Workshop Horizon Europe: Funding Opportunities for Offshore Wind Projects in Europe
TWIND is organizing the second of a series of webinars on Offshore Wind.
Fri, May 14, 2021 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM BST (GMT+1)
Within the scope of the Stakeholder Engagement activities of TWIND and in collaboration with the GRRIP project, this webinar will cover the Horizon Europe call 5, Work Programme 2021-2022, Section 8, Climate, Energy and Mobility.
1️⃣ The TWIND and GRRIP projects, WavEC Offshore Renewables
2️⃣ Global review on Horizon Europe calls for renewable energy, Tecnalia
3️⃣ HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-12: Innovation on floating wind energy deployment optimized for deep waters and different sea basins, Tecnalia
4️⃣ Introduction and Overview of Floating Offshore Wind Centre of Excellence, ORE Catapult
5️⃣ Q&A Session, Moderated by WavEC Offshore Renewables