Funding opportunities for Offshore Wind projects in Europe, Sep 30, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM BST

TWIND is organizing the first of a series of webinars on Offshore Wind.

Within the scope of the Stakeholder Engagement activities and due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a number of short webinars have been planned, covering topics of interest in the Offshore Wind sector. These webinars will complement the future in-person stakeholder events planned in Portugal from 2021 onwards.

The first stakeholder engagement activities already started with the creation of a Supply Chain Matrix for Offshore Wind in Portugal.

The agenda for the Webinar will be as follows:

1) The TWIND project (José Cândido).

2) The Consortium and funding opportunities in key countries.
-WavEC Offshore Renewables, Portugal (José Cândido and Amorina Armayor).
-TU Delft, The Netherlands (Axelle Viré)
-ORE Catapult, UK. (Thomas Wildsmith)
-Tecnalia, Spain (José Luis Villate).

3) TWIND´s first approach to funding options: “A project plan for funding applications” (José Luis Villate).

4) Funding mechanisms: the European Green Deal call (Germán Pérez).

5) Q&A (José Cândido as MODERATOR).




Post by Twind Project