Portugal Twinning for an Offshore Wind Energy Partnership
Photo credit: ORE Catapult
WavEC Offshore Renewables is pleased to announce that the TWIND project, in the field of offshore wind energy, was approved for funding under the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. The project is coordinated by WavEC and it gathers three other internationally recognized research entities: Tecnalia Research & Innovation (Spain), Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (United Kingdom) and Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands).
The TWIND project was launched in July 2019 and it will have a duration of three years, with a total budget of 796 thousand Euros. Its overall objective is to create a network of excellence that will dynamize a pool of specialized research professionals and trainees in the domain of offshore wind energy to support an emerging industry in Portugal in a field with a very strong anticipated growth and no dedicated existing training curriculum.