TWIND brings together an experienced and highly-qualified consortium comprising three research centres and one university.
WavEC Offshore Renewables (Portugal)
WavEC is a private non-profit research organization created in 2003 devoted to the development and promotion of offshore renewable energy utilization through the technical and strategic support to companies and public bodies.
WavEC has vast experience in ocean energy and marginal experience in floating offshore wind energy technology, in particular at R&D level, but also, and depending on the cases, on the conceptual, design, construction, deployment and operational phases.
In the course of the development of its wide portfolio in international consultancy, dissemination and R&D&I work on ocean energy, WavEC has increased the focus of its activity on numerical modelling of floating structures, economic evaluation, energy resource assessment, socio-economics, environmental impacts assessment and an active involvement in roadmaps and policy planning.
Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation (Spain)
TECNALIA is the first privately funded applied research centre in Spain and one of the leading such centres in Europe. TECNALIA is committed to renewable sources of energy from the marine environment as a promising sector, which will contribute towards sustainable economic growth and stable job creation.
TECNALIA has more than 15 years of experience in the offshore renewable energy sector, totalling €40m worth of R&D. We offer our knowledge and expertise to companies in the following areas: modelling and analysis of offshore structures, design and optimisation of mooring systems, innovations for electrical connections, optimisation of marine operations, control algorithms for wave energy converters and floating wind turbines, new materials and corrosion monitoring for marine environment, techno-economic assessment of innovations in early stages of development and sensors, monitoring systems and data analytics for offshore applications .
Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (United Kingdom)
ORE Catapult was established in 2013 by the UK Government and is part of a network of Catapults set up by Innovate UK in high growth industries. It is the UK’s leading innovation centre for offshore renewable energy.
Independent and trusted, with a unique combination of world-leading test and demonstration facilities and engineering and research expertise, ORE Catapult convenes the sector and delivers applied research, accelerating technology development, reducing risk and cost and enhancing UK-wide economic growth.
Active throughout the UK, ORE Catapult has operations in Glasgow, Blyth, Levenmouth, Aberdeen, Hull, the South West and Wales and operates a collaborative research partnership in China.
Technische Universiteit Delft (The Netherlands)
Delft University of Technology is the oldest and largest technical university of the Netherlands. It was ranked the first university in the country in the field of Engineering by the latest Times Higher Education World University Rankings.
Its Faculty of Aerospace Engineering is one of the largest of its kind in Europe. The Faculty chairs the Delft Wind Energy Institute (DUWIND), an over-arching institute linking wind energy research and education across six faculties of TU Delft.
Research on wind energy at TU Delft started almost 40 years ago. The Faculty has designed the DU airfoils, which are used on more than 50% of the modern wind turbine blades. It is world-leading for both its computational modelling capabilities (CFD for aerodynamics, fluid-structure interaction and aero-acoustics) and also its wind tunnel facilities.